Digital Camera: March 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Edit Your Puppy Picture to Ensure it Looks Good on the Web

Taking shots of our dogs to be published on the Web is a great way to boost your online popularity. There are millions of pet lovers who would love to see a lot of cute puppy and dog pictures on the Net and downloading them to add to their collection.

Quality Photos Only
You should concentrate in providing quality to the viewers of your puppy pictures. Having pictures developed when you are using film-based cameras can be quite expensive for a non-profit project. To cut down cost, you might want to make use of digital cameras instead with features that will help you get quality photos of your pet.

Rather than taking random shots of puppy pictures, you might want to plan out your angle, background, and maybe the costume of your pet to make it look more appealing to your online visitors.

Edit Your Photos Before Publish
Before publishing your photos on the Web, it would be best to run them in photo-editing software in order to make them compatible for Internet viewing.

File Size And Image Formats
If the file size of your puppy picture is too big, then it might take longer to fully load on your visitor's browser. You might want to reduce the size, since raw images from digital cameras are too bulky too suit your online purpose.

You might also want to convert it to other image formats, like JPG, GIF, and PNG to achieve a smaller photo size. Make sure that your photos are not more than 300Kb to make it viewer friendly on the Internet.

Height And Width
There are different sizes of monitors being used today, and these monitors utilize different resolutions that fit the taste of their respective owners. It would be best to resize your puppy photos height and width so that your visitors won't have to scroll up and down, or from side to side, just to view the whole picture. The best size would be within 800 X 600 since that is the lowest resolution of many video adapters and monitors today.

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Watch These Cool Ways To Edit Your Digital Photos

When people take digital images and put them on their computers, the pictures are generally not perfect. One enhancement that is used often is the sharpness enhancement. The sharpness enhancement is extremely helpful. Basically it improves the quality on a fuzzy picture. The best ones use algorithms internally to help with the enhancement of the photo. This tool is extremely useful for blurry pictures or one with fuzzy lines and borders.

Well resizing is just changing the pixels, while resample is using an actual algorithm to fix the picture so that is appears not blurry, fuzzy, blocked when it is changed. With resizing to enlarge a picture some of the pixels will be doubled. While with resizing, reducing an image some of the pixels will be thrown out; this why some lines of the photo just disappear. Re-sampling on the contrary, uses algorithms to decide the new size of the pixels, during an enlargement color will be added as a result of interpolation. While reducing an image the actual pixels will be re-calculated. A good image editor will include multiple algorithms for re-sampling and resizing options.

Big question for everyone is how to convert photo files in order to get smaller pictures. This is really helpful if you want to send photo files over the internet. Lossless means that the image stays exactly the same as it was originally. Basically different methods are applied to get a smaller but virtually untouched photo. The most common format that photo software can hand is .png. The disadvantage is the image can still end up too big, but the image will be completely unchanged. Lossy formats will actually lose some information. There are the ups and downs for both of these forms, basically do you want a smaller original or do you mind some of the photo being lost in order to make it really small.

In order to easily access your images your photo viewer should be able to be customized, easily to use, have photo enhancement tools, printable contact sheets, convenient for attaining pictures, be able manage EXIF data and be able to batch process images. Some good ones are Zoner Photo Stuido which is quite user friendly. Selecting a photo viewer is important, depending on what kind of computer user you are you can select a viewer that is quick and easy or complicated but has some great functions. Some handy functions are: slide show, batch processor, editor functions, and zoom factor.
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Selling Stock Photos Online - Tips For Beginner Photographers

If you are considering selling stock photos online, there are several things you need to remember in order to get the BEST shots possible. And if you keep these basic tips in mind when you are taking your pictures, selling stock photos will be much more of a successful venture for you.

Remember that bright, clear, and well-lit photos sell best! Many stock photography sites do not even accept dimly lit or dark photos. Think "postcard picture", and shoot on sunny days. This will ensure your photos have vibrant color. As many digital cameras have a way of somewhat under-representing color, you may need to boost a photo's saturation with a basic photo editing program. If you do touch up your photos in a graphics program like Photoshop, do not overdo it.

Get top quality photos by working on the highest resolutionn your camera can handle. When deciding which photos to upload, reject your grainy or blurry photos right off. If you want to be selling stock photos online, look critically at the quality of your photos, and separate the story behind the photo from the photo itself.

If you are serious about selling stock photos, you need to remember that you are not just uploading photos because you think they are NICE, or even are GOOD, but because you think they could SELL.

Selling stock photos online does take some photography know-how, but you do not have to be a professional photographer to take photos that will sell.

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Effective Hot Tips For Selling Photo Online

We all know that in the world of the internet there is always another way to make money online. Did you know that you can actually make an income when you sell your photos online? Here are some tips for selling your photos online:

Try to condense what you shoot into one or two niche categories. For example, if you like taking photos of the outdoors, try doing a few shoots exhibiting season changes, and then market them to sites that this niche will appeal to. Sell your photos online to sites that are the same niche as your photos. This will increase your photos sale-ability.

Upload, upload, and upload. When you are selling your photos online you want to upload as many as you can to as many stock photography websites as possible to get the best income results. - Use your best judgment concerning your photos. Always try to submit photos that are in your opinion of the best quality. If you fail to get permission from people in your photos when you sell photography online you can get sued by them for more than what you will be paid for by the site. Write up a release form and have them sign it before you submit any of your photos that have them in the pictures. Selling photo online can be a great source of income but if you got sued for the photos you sell, you are most likely to loose it all.

Keywords are a great method to use when selling your photographs online because these keyword phrases will assist in directing your searchers to your photos from the search engines and websites online. Just keep in mind that there are many, many categories to shoot from, so get creative and start shooting, uploading, and cashing in on those niche markets out there that are more than happy to use your picture taking talents for their niche sites.

If you would like to know more about selling your photos online, visit

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Selling Your Photos to the Press is a Money Making "Goldmine"

Armed with a passion for photography and a cheap 10 mega pixel digital camera, I found myself in one of those life-changing situations that opens one's mind to so many different opportunities that I was literally left stunned and speechless.

Whilst taking photos of local graffiti art located along my local train line, I was approached by a gentleman who politely asked if he might be able to purchase some of my photos.

Is there a market in selling normal, everyday shots? How do you go about contacting people who are willing to pay for photos are how do I let people know that I have photos for sale? What are the legalities of selling photos to another person? It seems some research was needed as a basic Google searches were unable to turn anything up. 1. Special training and expensive equipment are not necessarily required to be successful within this industry. in fact a cheap digital camera or even a mobile phone with an average digital camera will be more than adequate.

Examples of photos that are selling are pictures of different countries flag, stock photos of old and rusted cars or even landscape shots are proving very popular among photo buyers.

The hardest part of breaking into this industry is knowing where to look for potential buyers and alternatively where to upload your photos to gain the right amount of exposure. The photographs that you sell will more often than not remain yours which means that you retain ownership of the photographs and will forever retain the rights to reproduce and license the picture to others.
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Consider the Importance of Exceptional Photos to Sell Your Home

There are various marketing strategies you can take on so you can successfully sell your home. But the simplest of these techniques is through taking exceptional photos of your home. Through taking good pictures of your home for sale, you have the opportunity to get hold of a wide variety of buyers. First impressions are very important for many buyers. They mostly take interest in interests basically through listing pictures.

They judge a property whether it deserves to give it a go if only it is presented in an aesthetically pleasing way. Moreover, if your home looks really exceptional through pictures, you are also creating a stimulus for a healthy competition among your buyers. Also, this marketing strategy is very minimalist in terms of required expenses. Learning the art of photography can be hassle-free as well. You can easily understand very important techniques through self-help books and free online tutorial sites. As the processes integrated with taking good pictures of your home are unfussy, you can have the leisure to devote your spare time to other matters tantamount to your future relocation. You can scout possible new homes, packing your belongings, iron out legalities attached to the property, among other things.

You can disseminate the pictures through several information sources such as real estate listings, brochures or your own blog site, in case you have one. You can also maximize these pictures by participating in online forums dedicated to buyers and sellers. For example, comment on one topic and remember to relate it with your home selling venture. Attach one or two pictures of your house for each comment you make. Or you can also designate the best picture of your home as your profile picture.

In the mean time, you should also give proper attention to justifying the image of your house in the pictures. Preparing your home for the photo shoot is a critical as well. So when buyers expressed their intention to pay an ocular visit to your home, they will be just as pleased with the actual presentation of the property. And both of you can then enter finalization of the purchase offer and contract. In preparing your home for the shoot, you initially have to perform basic inspection of its areas. List down the aspects that need immediate replacement or minor repairs. Give primary attention to visible areas like walls, roof, windows, doors and each of the rooms as these are usually the most common parts of the house that are photographed.

  • Highlight the distinct areas in your home.
  • Stage areas in order to create impressive visual impact.
  • Enhance home areas by making them look livable
  • Find the right timing in taking pictures especially of outdoor spaces. This is because you will mostly rely on natural lighting. If you want to create a great silhouette of your house, take pictures a few minutes before sunrise or sunset. Within this period, the skies usually cast a great palette of colors.
  • Tall, long and/or wide shots are preferable to make any space seem bigger.

  • Through these simple tips in photo shooting, a buyer can better envision himself and his family living in your house.
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    How to Best Print Your Photos

    The highlight of a Digital Photography class is sharing your photography with others. With digital photography there are many ways you can do this: email, your website, online photography albums, but as for those really good photos, the ones that really show off your new photography skills and the places, people, pets and things you love...Well, some photographs deserve to be printed and framed. Besides framing and hanging your best photographs, there are a few other reasons you may find you have for printing your photos. Here are a few of the many ways printed photographs are used.

    • Framed for the mantle, table and wall displays
    • Posters
    • Wallet pictures
    • Memory books
    • Greeting cards
    • Photo crafts
    • Entered into competitions (county fair, etc.)

    Printing a quality print of a photograph is trickier than printing, say, a flyer. The following tips will make the process easier:

    Size Counts
    Whenever you resize a photo on your computer, think first if you may ever want to print it.
    • High quality 10 x 13: 2592 x 1944 pixels (5 mega pixel camera set for high resolution.)
    • High Quality: 9 x 12 inches: 2272 x 1704 pixels (4 mega pixel camera set for high resolution).
    • High Quality: 8 x 10 inches: 2048 x 1536 pixels (3 mega pixel camera set for high resolution).
    • High Quality: 4 x 6 inches, 5 x 7 inches: 1600 x 1200 pixels (2 mega pixel camera set for high resolution)

    Check with your manual or the manufacturers recommendations on their website. Then use a photo editor to resample the photos to the appropriate dpi. For those new to printing, dpi stands for "dots per inch." The ink jet printers on the market today that are used for quality photo prints often have dpi resolution of around 1200 to 4800. This sort of dpi will produce quality prints of photographs that have around 140 to 300 pixels per inch.

    Please note that the ppi or pixels per inch is the measurement for the resolution of a photograph taken with a digital camera, not to be confused with the height and width of the photo. For example a 200 pixel x 300 pixel photograph would be quite small, while a photo with a 300 ppi needn't be small because ppi refers to the quality not the physical size of the picture.

    Using the Right Photo Paper
    Use photo-printing paper and if possible that which is made by your printer's manufacture and is recommended for your model or model family. If you're looking for an easier way to get high quality prints, say for a special event such as a contest or a large size photograph you want to frame and display, remember that a local or online printer is another option.
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