Digital Camera: March 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Choose Lense Camera

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Before using the camera as well as his, you know first what is right lens for your camera and photography events. So, do not let one to buy, then some consideration in choosing a camera lens

Adjust the Camera
The lenses you buy of course, must match your camera. What else for SLR users, types of lenses - should be properly addressed. SLR is a systems-based, it means that if you have a Nikon camera, then the lens is designed for Canon Mount will not work on your camera. Platform should adjust your camera's lens with a platform, unless you want to use a lens with an adapter or choose a brand that was sharing the platform.

Adjust with Specific Needs
For different needs, different lenses required. What is meant here is related to the focal length and maximum aperture.

The first is a standard lens, the 50mm size. Usually when buying a DSLR camera, this lens is a lens whose luggage. The lens is also called a normal lens has a viewing angle and magnification factor equal to our eyes.

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Aperture Part - II

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Shutter speed and aperture / diaphragm must be synergy to get the proper exposure. Perimeter exposure can be seen through the light meter on the camera DSLR. If the indicator light meter pointing toward the negative, the image will be dark (under exposure) and otherwise the image will over exposure if the indicator light meter pointed toward the positive.

The problem that often occurs is in low light conditions it would be difficult to use a small aperture. Instead the heat of hard to use wide aperture. The light is too strong to be balanced with a narrow aperture to avoid over exposure. 

Conversely, in low light conditions the diaphragm should be opened as wide as possible so as not to under exposure. Here you would be wise to set this photography kompenen the aperture and shutter speed. If you want a wide DOF (smaller aperture) in low light conditions, you need to do is reduce the shutter speed. With a low shutter speed, camera shake is very big possibility. To avoid camera shake (shaking camera) need to use a tripod to prevent blurry images due to camera shake not when you press the shutter button's

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Diaphragm (aperture) is opening the camera lens where light enters. When large openings, a lot of the incoming light than the small openings. Besides being one of the ways to control incoming light, aperture is also used to control the sharp space (depth of field / DoF)

In practice, if we are in an environment that has a very bright light, then we can close the aperture so less light inside. If the dark environment, then we can open the lens aperture so that the end result to be optimal. This could be analogous to the window, the more open the more light coming in and vice versa.
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IS (Image Stabilization) on camera

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Image Stabilization (IS) on the Canon, or Vibration Reduction (VR) if you are a fan of Nikon, is a collection of techniques used to reduce blur caused by excessive movement of the camera during the exposure.

Most photographers, amateur or professional alike, understand the value of IS. Because they are often difficult to obtain a stable position to take pictures, especially if you're traveling in a car, plane or train. IS (Image Stabilization) is even more important when recording video as the exposure time is longer.

Optical image stabilization did stabilize images recorded through an optical path toward censorship. There are two ways that run through the camera's optical image stabilization, based correction lens (lens-based) and a correction based sensors (sensor-based).

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