Friday, April 12, 2013
Differences ccd and cmos
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Choose Lense Camera
Before using the camera as well as his, you know first what is right lens for your camera and photography events. So, do not let one to buy, then some consideration in choosing a camera lens
Adjust the Camera
The lenses you buy of course, must match your camera. What else for SLR users, types of lenses - should be properly addressed. SLR is a systems-based, it means that if you have a Nikon camera, then the lens is designed for Canon Mount will not work on your camera. Platform should adjust your camera's lens with a platform, unless you want to use a lens with an adapter or choose a brand that was sharing the platform.
Adjust with Specific Needs
For different needs, different lenses required. What is meant here is related to the focal length and maximum aperture.
The first is a standard lens, the 50mm size. Usually when buying a DSLR camera, this lens is a lens whose luggage. The lens is also called a normal lens has a viewing angle and magnification factor equal to our eyes.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Aperture Part - II
Shutter speed and aperture / diaphragm must be synergy to get the proper exposure. Perimeter exposure can be seen through the light meter on the camera DSLR. If the indicator light meter pointing toward the negative, the image will be dark (under exposure) and otherwise the image will over exposure if the indicator light meter pointed toward the positive.
The problem that often occurs is in low light conditions it would be difficult to use a small aperture. Instead the heat of hard to use wide aperture. The light is too strong to be balanced with a narrow aperture to avoid over exposure.
In practice, if we are in an environment that has a very bright light, then we can close the aperture so less light inside. If the dark environment, then we can open the lens aperture so that the end result to be optimal. This could be analogous to the window, the more open the more light coming in and vice versa.
IS (Image Stabilization) on camera
Optical image stabilization did stabilize images recorded through an optical path toward censorship. There are two ways that run through the camera's optical image stabilization, based correction lens (lens-based) and a correction based sensors (sensor-based).
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Optimize the manual settings on a DSLR camera; Part 2
On the camera there is a light gauge function is very important in determining the proper exposure. This instrument is called light-meter, its function is to measure the light entering the lens, commonly referred to as metering (usually there are two kinds of options metering on the camera, which is average / multi segment / weight matrix and center / spot). The results of these measurements are sent to the processor in the camera and used to determine how the value of proper exposure. At least this is the way all of the camera work diopersikan automatically via the AUTO mode.
Not all photos taken using the AUTO mode exposure satisfactory results. Sometimes the shutter and aperture value is automatically determined by the camera is not to our liking. For the existence of manual features P / A / S / M can help realize our creativity and ultimately can make better pictures.
These are the things you can do with manual exposure features P / A / S / M on your camera:
- Program mode (P). The letter P here sometimes means spoofed as 'Beginners' because it actually is in this mode is almost the same as using the AUTO mode (hence the P mode is relatively safe to use as the default mode of day-to-day). When the AUTO mode all parameters are determined automatically by the camera, then the P mode while the camera is still determining the value of the shutter and aperture automatically, but we have the freedom to set the value of ISO, white balance, flash mode and Exposure Compensation (Ev). It seems nothing special in this P mode, but wait, there are a few cameras that make it more flexible P mode with the ability to program-shift. With the program-shift, then we can change the variation of the pair-aperture shutter possible while still providing the proper exposure (the concept of reciprocity). If your camera allows program-shift in P mode, try berkrerasi value pairs with a variety of different shutter aperture and discover the difference.
- Aperture-priority mode (A or Av). This mode is optimal for controlling depth-of-field (DOF) of a photo, a way to set the lens aperture value (while the camera determines the appropriate shutter). Set the aperture to maximum aperture (small f value) to get a photo DOFnya narrow (sharp object while the background blur) and otherwise reduce the value of aperture (high f value) to get sharp photos both object and background. Usually the lens compact cameras, the maximum aperture at f/2.8 (wide at maximum) and smallest openings range in f / 9 to f/11 (depending on lens specifications). But in low light situations, minimize the exposure so the diaphragm will create dark, for it let the value of the diaphragm at the maximum position when shooting in low light.
Optimize the manual settings on a DSLR camera; part 1
Since the first person to buy a digital camera, a mode for taking pictures is always wearing AUTO mode. The first reason for this mode is a mode of the most easy to use and relatively reliable in a variety of situations without fear of the picture will be disappointing. The second reason may be due to chance on a digital camera that is available only AUTO mode only, thus 'forced' could not be more creative with manual mode. Indeed, in general digital cameras manifold point-and-shoot is designed very simple and does not come with many features like manual prosumer cameras.
- Manual sensitivity / ISO, meaning that the camera option to determine the sensitivity of the sensor / ISO ranging from AUTO, 100, 200, 400 and 1600. There are even cameras to determine the full value is AUTO ISO, the ISO value the camera was low at 50, and there was a camera that could achieve very high ISO (3200, 6400 to 10000).
- Advance Shooting Mode: P (Program), A (Aperture Priority), S (Shutter Priority), M (Manual). More will be discussed later.
- Exposure Compensation (Ev), is used to compensate the exposure to the light or dark. If the exposure determined by the camera is not to our liking, this feature can help. Raise Ev positive direction to make the photo lighter and lower to get a darker picture. Usually the level / step value Ev is made in multiples of 1/3 or 1/2 step.
Manual focus, a feature which is not so often found in compact cameras. Useful when auto focus on the camera is unable to find a focus, as in the photo objects do not have enough contrast for the camera to lock focus (because of auto focus camera work, based on contrast detection).
Manual White Balance, to get the color temperature according to the original. Various sources of different light sources have a color temperature (expressed in Kelvin) is different, so errors in identifying the source of white light will make menjdi too blue or too red. Generally, all digital cameras, including camera phones have had an auto White Balance can be adapted to a variety of light sources. However, your camera should have the discretion to set the white balance manually as Daylight, Cloudy, Tungsten, Fluorescent and manual adjust.
Flash intensity level, is useful to vary the brightness of the flash on the camera. It is sometimes useful when the images were taken with the flash was too bright or underexposed it. Since photography is a game of light (exposure) in which the three elements of the camera determines the shutter speed (shutter speed), aperture (aperture) and ISO, the most important feature in my manual is manual features P / A / S / M manual and features ISO (as far as I have observed, if a camera has a feature P / A / S / M, the camera also features a manual ISO).
- Shutter charge of organizing how long the light will hit the sensor (or film in the analog camera), expressed in seconds. The shorter the shutter speed the less light coming in, and vice versa. Usually the camera has shutter speeds ranging from 30 seconds to 1/4000 sec.
aperture has a duty to set more or less light into the lens (the increase or decrease the size of the diaphragm), expressed in the form f-number scale fractions from largest to smallest (eg, f/2.8, f/3.5, f / 8 etc.). - Small f-number value indicates a large aperture, medium large f value showed a small aperture. Maximum and minimum values of the aperture of a camera lens is determined, and this value will change with the lens focal distance.
- ISO determines the level of sensitivity of the sensor to light so that the higher the ISO the more sensitive the sensor is to light despite the risk of increased noise in images. ISO is a complement factor exposure component in addition to shutter and aperture, especially when combined shutter and aperture have not managed to get the proper exposure value.
Photographing objects without flash
Photography will feel easy when there is enough light and ideal conditions, but as we discussed earlier that many lighting conditions in digtial photography is not always what we expect. In the world of digital photography we work with light, just as we work with others
- Raise the ISO as needed.
- Photographing using RAW Format
- Use Aperture Priority with the lowest f-stop, Fash-lens usually has the lowest f-stop f1 / 8 or could be even lower, if the above still make the shutter speed is too low to handle, then you can lose as much as one stop exposure compensation, it will increase the shutter, and then foxes expsosurenya in post-production (using RAW format).
- Using Noise Reduction software, to reduce grain and noise.
Nikon D7000 DSLR Camera for Your Photography Needs
Nikon D7000 DSLR camera is a type or Digital single-lens reflex is a trend in recent years among the photographers. Nikon D7000 is a high-end DSLR camera to class and was remembered compete with the Canon EOS 60D. This camera uses a magnesium alloy material, the design of the Nikon D7000 is designed for small to comfortably use.
Just like a DSLR camera that is designed to achieve the image quality was really good quality, the Nikon D7000 camera too. With a resolution of 16.2 MP capitalize quality and ISO range of 100-25000, the resulting picture is very clear. But when he started entering the ISO 3200, the image has begun less sharp with the shadow noise. For color quality, Nikon Picture Control remains the standard so there is no color shift that occurs as the cameras low-end.
You are happy to make the Nikon D7000 video could be an option, because the Nikon D7000 produces video with smooth video image quality and sharp. It does have a bit of color noise but not too visible. In addition, the Nikon D7000 also include auto-focus feature that greatly helped us when recording video, especially for those of us who are confused determine the focus of their own. Then, the system also runs fine contrast. Yes, the Nikon D7000 uses 39 AF points (9 cross type them) and its 3D AF tracking accuracy. In addition, the Nikon D7000 is also equipped with a 23.6 x 15.6mm CMOS sensor.
Nikon D7000 advantages:
The material used by the Nikon D7000 DSLR camera is an advantage for this because it is made from magnesium alloy material. It makes you seem professional when using Nikon D7000 DSLR camera. DSLR camera is also equipped with dual memory slots that can be relied upon for photographers who often directly snapped a picture several times to the same object, in order to get the best picture. 'The placement of buttons and control is very easy for photographers.
Disadvantages Nikon D7000:
Unfortunately Nikon D7000 does not have a histogram during live view, but the camera also has a pocket classroom this. Then, the Nikon D7000 DSLR camera also does not show the ISO value when the optical viewfinder.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Review of Sony Alpha A700
One more proof that worthy CMOS light sensor for digital SLR cameras, is not inferior to CCD.
After using the light sensor type CCD in the previous series (Sony Alpha A100 and A200), now Sony uses a CMOS resolution 12.24 megapixel Sony Alpha A700. The light sensor is equipped with an image stabilizer mechanism so that was helpful when users shoot with low shutter speeds or when using a long lens. To keep life light sensor, anti-dust there are mechanisms that can clean the sensor light.
Frame camera so solid because it is made of aluminum and coated with a magnesium alloy. No less protective, the buttons on the camera is equipped with a rubber septum of the material that protects from moisture, dew and damp air.
There are things that a wedge, which is about the compatibility of the lens holder, since Sony is a newcomer in the arena of SLR cameras. But apparently, body Sony Alpha A700 can be fitted with a mounting Minolta lens type A.
When testing the Sony Alpha A700, we get a character who has a photo record relatively high contrast, but still able to maintain the detail / texture in the light (highlight). Records detail the best we got at relatively low contrast setting, combined with a low ISO / ASA and Raw format image files. Users offered flexibility in regulating the level of contrast and saturation (degree of saturation and maturity) colors.
Size CMOS light sensor which is quite big "talk" when we try to record images in dim light conditions and without the flash. At ISO 1600, the record shows that the quality is still excellent.
Under bright sunshine lighting, the Sony Alpha A700 provides a natural color, with protrusion of saturation in blue and red. Meanwhile, under the illumination light, without flash, and auto white balance settings, recording images tend nuanced warm (reddish). Interestingly, each of the light compensation levels will emphasize different color temperatures.
We chose to use the Adobe RGB color profile for the conversion turned out to be the best Raw files obtained using the software Adobe Camera Raw. In addition to Adobe Camera Raw, RAW file conversion program that is included is the Sony Image Data Converter SR version 2.
Although these cameras provide built-in flash is above the penta prism, and selorok (hotshoe) flash extra, but the type is not universal, so it is not compatible with the flash of an independent third-party brands. This certainly reduces flexibility.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Codes of canon DSLR lens; Part 2
This lens is also characterized by EF code, as opposed to EF-S, which means it can be mounted on the camera also has a full-frame sensor.

- Canon EF 70-200mm f / 4 IS USM
These lenses are categorized as telephoto zoom lens because it has a wide range of focal lengths from 70mm to 200mm.

f/4.5-5.6L: Code "L" premises also known as "Luxury". Canon L lenses with code meaning expensive lenses made for the purposes of professional photographers. -L lenses are the best lenses are made with a variety of focal length and aperture.
The codes on the lens that has been described above do not apply universally, the lens with the other brands (besides Canon) will give different codes to describe the features of the lens but it is not a problem because the structure of the code is the same between one brand of lens with another lens brand.
Codes of canon DSLR lens; Part 1
- Canon EF-S 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 IS
These lenses are usually a package deal if purchased as a kit lens Canon DSLR camera that entry level or beginner such as the Canon 1100D, 550D and 600D.
IS: Is Image Stabilizer, which means that the lens has the ability to reduce vibration or vibration during shooting so photos that are sharp. This feature is especially useful when shooting with a slow shutter speed.

- Canon EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS USM
If you find a lens with a minimum aperture is only one set, like f/2.8 lens, this means that the widest aperture lens has a fixed or unchanging. Focal length from 17mm to 55mm focal length, maximum aperture of f/2.8 fixed at a value.
USM: Abbreviation for Ultrasonic Motor, meaning the lens there is a built-in motor for auto focus. In this lens auto focus is faster and the bike is not noisy.

Types of DSLR lenses
It may be difficult to answer this question at this time where every manufacturer of digital cameras offer a variety of lenses with the quality and price are very diverse. Keep in mind also that every photographer has a different photo styles, they have a character of its own shooting, and that could be its own complexities when answering the question "what is the right lens" Below is a bit of writing to review the different types of lens cameras offered in the market DSLR by camera manufacturers. We will not discuss in detail a lens, but it will be a little give a brief introduction of the term and the type of lens DSLR on the market that can be considered when the waterfall hunting buddy DSLR lenses.
Keep in mind that most DSLR cameras berdar not all full-frame camera, the sensor is held in generally smaller than full-frame camera, and that means the lens does not affect the same results as in the full-frame or film camera.
1. Standard Lens - This is a term that is slowly disappearing from the little world of photography terminology. Used to describe the range 50mm lens, because the lens is usually mounted on the camera film camera.
2. Lens Kit - Currently most of the lens is a single package with a DSLR camera for sale, and this lens is usually known as a kit lens. This lens is a zoom lens mostly, and functionally known as a multi-purpose lens that is designed for the benefit of everyday shooting.
3. Prime Lenses / Lens Fix - Fix lens is a lens that has only one Focal-Length. Sometimes the lens is a lens that is less popular where the photographers are nyamana with lenses that have a range of Focal-Length in their hands, but somehow primes fatherly worth considering. The zoom lens does have keuntukngan on the quality they offer, but also known prime lens with the image quality and speed.
4. Lens Zoom / Tele - Zoom lenses are the most popular DSLR lenses today, comes with a focal length range of configurations and levels of quality. The most visible advantage to using this lens is, you do not need to get closer to the subject to get more stringent framming. This lens can provide short or long range. Things to remember when buying a camera is, the longer the focal length the more it will affect the camera-shake. The camera with a focal length much like (300mm) has been facilitated with Image Stabilization (IS) to reduce camera-shake.
5. Macro Lens - The lens is designed specifically for photographing objects close-up. many DSLR cameras are equipped with the settings 'macro', but using the actual macro lens will produce images more vivid.
6. Wide Lens - As the name suggests, these lenses mememungkinkan users to take pictures and get a very broad perspective. Wide-angle lens used in refractive landscape shooting. Wide lens comes with a lens focal length as fixed and zoom lenses, although it has a bit of range on the focal-lengthnya. Note that many more or less wide-angle lens sometimes give effect to 'distort' in the images, especially in edge images with a slightly curved shape. For some people could be a nice effect, but it also means that sometimes unwanted effects.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Finding the best slr for you
Technology has evolved somewhat over the last decade the cost of digital SLR cameras now are very reasonable.
However, because of the many options available, it is not easy to find the best SLR camera for you. These three points that should be considered before running to your local electronics store.
When, where and how you will use your camera. It will have the biggest impact on which camera is best for you. For example, if you are a professional photographer who regularly attend the task, the camera will not only need to have a high technical specifications to meet the demands of your clients, but will also be durable. Cameras to be transported all over the place and might have to bear many different temperatures and weather. Of course, there are accessories available to help with protecting the camera, but the camera, itself, must be durable.
Conversely, if you like upgrading from a point and shoot camera, you'll need much less intense. You may just need a camera that is user friendly and have the option to use the automatic functions.
Another important thing to consider is what the camera lens and the lens is sold with what is available to buy in the future. Many interchangeable lens camera in the same camera manufacturer. But the price should be considered as well as the availability of third-party lenses.
Third party lenses made by vendors other than the camera manufacturer. Many of the high-quality lens, but the lens is cheaper than the brand name. But knowing what is available for your camera can help you make a decision.
When trying to find the best SLR camera for you, your budget is a key factor. But keep in mind that sometimes, spending a little more money you get more value. While it is possible to buy a digital SLR for a few hundred dollars, especially if you buy an older model pre-owned, brand new model recently new will cost a few hundred dollars and can easily run into the thousands.
Make money with your digital camera
Here are some ways you can make money with a digital camera in your spare time now.
Sell your photos on the websites of popular stock photography is a great way to create a sustainable residual income for the current image just sitting on your hard drive. Companies and website owners are constantly looking for new images to be added to their website content. This means there are many opportunities for you to cash by uploading your photos to this site. You get paid every time a customer downloads one image for use in marketing or website content.
Another advantageous way to make money with photography is to create your own personal use product images. Many people love to see their spouse, children, or pets in the product. Placing them in the wallet pictures, pillows, mouse pads, screen savers, calendars, or t-shirts.
Using the popular classified websites such as Craigslist or eBay is the way to find a lot of photography work. Every day there are hundreds of new opportunities posted on the site. Some photographers I've work to do to make a great income online is the consignment, apartment listings, and logo creation.
Photography on vacation
If you want to get the exciting opportunity of digital photography the first thing to do is to not do what everyone else does! So let's look at ways you can make your digital vacation photos interesting so you can use it to hang on the wall or give as a postcard when you get back, or greeting cards.
First get your digital photography really interesting and stimulating when going on holiday is to research as much as possible about the area you want, and the season, you will be in, and what the temperature might be. It's called preparation of digital photography, not just the holiday preparations.
Discover what things you are likely to visit. Are you going to a well-established, such as an old church that has been around for centuries, and you aim to get your digital photography experience that reflects the beauty and art in old buildings, or maybe you are having holiday action with the day-to-day summer, beach, lying by the pool.
If you might want to do a little of both, the churches of Rome and then Hawaii on the return flight then you have set even more interesting than the requirements of digital photography. Professional digital photography most likely take two cameras, a digital camera for a scene or situation and traditional camera film for other situations.
The reason I say to investigate more about what you really want to see when you're on vacation is to see what kind of light you will work with. If you're going to see some beautiful European church in winter it will be very different light from the light on a beach in the summer time in Hawaii. Digital photography is a type of activity that requires you to think about what you did the first time. Always think about your digital photography in this way because the light can be very different in other places and especially if you are going different seasons.
Comprison Digital camera and SLR camera
Some insightful tips:
1. For those who just want to take a picture of a group meeting, a vacation trip, or just a high-angled photos to their personal website, go ahead and buy a digital camera instead. Since you only have a very basic requirements when it comes to the choice of the device to take a picture. Today's digital cameras, even the entry-level models already have decent features. You really do not need your photos to 12 megapixels, your laptop will definitely run out of storage space in no time if you plan to upload all the images in high quality. Digital camera with 6 to 8 megapixels already makes for good quality photos if you choose to print or publish in your blog. Plus, you do not need to spend about $ 500 to get yourself a decent camera and a good quality digital.
2. Digital SLR Cameras to make a good investment. If you plan to pursue a career in photography, however, it is advisable for you to get a Digital SLR camera is not an ordinary point and shoot digital camera. In order for you to have the skills required for those who want to go pro, you should be able to get yourself better acquainted with the ins and outs involving SLR Digital Camera.
If you find the instructions too much tedious User Guide, you can log on the internet or get yourself a copy of the photography magazines to help yourself get some tips from the pros or from your fellow photography enthusiasts. For those who are just starting out with photography, entry-level Digital SLR camera is able to produce a magazine-worthy shots plus if you know how to maintain a good device.