Photographing objects without flash - Digital Camera Digital Camera: Photographing objects without flash

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Photographing objects without flash

dsc1838_zpsc28c5cd0 photo dsc1838_zpsc28c5cd0.jpg

Photography will feel easy when there is enough light and ideal conditions, but as we discussed earlier that many lighting conditions in digtial photography is not always what we expect. In the world of digital photography we work with light, just as we work with others

Flash is the best solution in low-light photography, but the problem is not all situations allow for the use of flash. Not only will distract the proceedings, but the photo flash will cause you feel flat or flats. It is likely to happen if we use the default built-in flash of the digital camera. Built-in flash (flash in general) means to provide illumination on the subject from the front.

It certainly can be avoided in several ways, depending on the subject and how the character of the light. Learn how to see the fall of light around, so we can understand whether the use of flash can work well or not. Caya is good to deal with low light or low-light is to use a high ISO setting. ISO is the sensitivity level of the sensor to light.

Concern when using high ISO is NOISE, if you feel the ISO setting is perfect but not necessarily perfect for the noise that would cause. In the era of digital photography we can reduce the level of existing NOISE a photo using the software. Currently there are two we think are good software for Noise Reduction, namely: "Noise Ninja" or "Neat Image". If it does not raise the ISO setting and do not have a tripod, then most likely you will face the problem of 'camera shake'. Try to raise the ISO, and you will understand why it is better than NOISE 'camera shake'. In the world of digital photography NOISE will always be one thing to consider.

Another example is when we take pictures in the room, such as a speech, or a classical music concert. Flash probably will not be allowed in a situation like this, so how do we cope? Change to your ISO to a higher setting, if you use the "Auto ISO" on your digital camera, then the camera will detect the use of high ISO is needed or set the ISO manually, increasing the sensitivity to light increases the chance of getting the right exposure to low-light conditions. we may decide to further raise the ISO setting and shutter speed more quickly elect, if still having camera shake and have no Tripod.

The following are tips that can be done if you do not have the Fast-lens, Tripod, and ban the use of flash:

  • Raise the ISO as needed.
  • Photographing using RAW Format
  • Use Aperture Priority with the lowest f-stop, Fash-lens usually has the lowest f-stop f1 / 8 or could be even lower, if the above still make the shutter speed is too low to handle, then you can lose as much as one stop exposure compensation, it will increase the shutter, and then foxes expsosurenya in post-production (using RAW format).
  • Using Noise Reduction software, to reduce grain and noise.

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