On the camera there is a light gauge function is very important in determining the proper exposure. This instrument is called light-meter, its function is to measure the light entering the lens, commonly referred to as metering (usually there are two kinds of options metering on the camera, which is average / multi segment / weight matrix and center / spot). The results of these measurements are sent to the processor in the camera and used to determine how the value of proper exposure. At least this is the way all of the camera work diopersikan automatically via the AUTO mode.
Not all photos taken using the AUTO mode exposure satisfactory results. Sometimes the shutter and aperture value is automatically determined by the camera is not to our liking. For the existence of manual features P / A / S / M can help realize our creativity and ultimately can make better pictures.
These are the things you can do with manual exposure features P / A / S / M on your camera:
- Program mode (P). The letter P here sometimes means spoofed as 'Beginners' because it actually is in this mode is almost the same as using the AUTO mode (hence the P mode is relatively safe to use as the default mode of day-to-day). When the AUTO mode all parameters are determined automatically by the camera, then the P mode while the camera is still determining the value of the shutter and aperture automatically, but we have the freedom to set the value of ISO, white balance, flash mode and Exposure Compensation (Ev). It seems nothing special in this P mode, but wait, there are a few cameras that make it more flexible P mode with the ability to program-shift. With the program-shift, then we can change the variation of the pair-aperture shutter possible while still providing the proper exposure (the concept of reciprocity). If your camera allows program-shift in P mode, try berkrerasi value pairs with a variety of different shutter aperture and discover the difference.
- Aperture-priority mode (A or Av). This mode is optimal for controlling depth-of-field (DOF) of a photo, a way to set the lens aperture value (while the camera determines the appropriate shutter). Set the aperture to maximum aperture (small f value) to get a photo DOFnya narrow (sharp object while the background blur) and otherwise reduce the value of aperture (high f value) to get sharp photos both object and background. Usually the lens compact cameras, the maximum aperture at f/2.8 (wide at maximum) and smallest openings range in f / 9 to f/11 (depending on lens specifications). But in low light situations, minimize the exposure so the diaphragm will create dark, for it let the value of the diaphragm at the maximum position when shooting in low light.